SomaHut workshop: Nancy Aberle and Lynn Bullock / Introduction to Feldenkrais and Anat Baniel method
10-12 AM
Meeting Lynn Bullock and Nancy Aberle, certified practitioners of Feldenkrais and Anat Baniel methode, who have lead workshops in places like, Zagreb, Paris, Berlin, Malmö and Zurich, for more than 15 years. They have found both effective and exciting ways to work with international teams of Feldenkrais and Anat Baniel Method practitioners to give large public workshops.
In this on-line workshop they will give an introduction to the Feldenkrais Method and some practical applications of this somatic learning approach, including an “Awareness through Movement” lesson.
Lynn and Nancy have experienced that a large spectrum of people can benefit from this method. For example a one year old Baby who cannot lift its own head, a professional ballet dancer, a 3 year old child with Cerebral Palsy, a competitive triathlete, to mention a few.
Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais has been called one of the first “neuroplastician” by Dr Norman Doidge, he found ways to get the brain to do its job better by providing usable kinaesthetic information to the nervous system.
So how can we help our brain do its job better in daily life?
How can we use “movement with attention” and “different qualities of touch” to influence our own self-organisation?
This online workshop, organised through SomaHut platform, is an introduction to the live workshop planned in 2022 in Zagreb.